Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Day in the Bus !

Zindagi mein kuch pal aise aate hein..

Kuch lamhe hasate hein, Kuch rulate hein..

Kisi bahane se hume yaad karte rehna..

Kyu ki aaj kal log naam tak bhul jaate hein..
While I was travelling in the bus today, I saw a group of 6 handicapped kids with one teacher sitting beside me. I was looking at them; all of them were handicapped in a way or other. I was summing up their behavior. Each one of them would talk something which was difficult to understand and they would ask questions to the teacher. For me it resembled like we work all the 6 days of the week looking forward to Sunday for relaxation. Same way all the six kids looking to the teacher for answer. And the teacher was also so patient that she used to answer all of their doubts. Like one girl started to talk something and she was not audible because she was having cough in her throat… her teacher just hinted her like to huh... huh… and she did and then resumed her speaking. It’s sweet na. I got down after some stops after that thinking about their hardships.

The loneliest people are the kindest.

The saddest people smile the brightest.

The most damaged people are the wisest.

All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.

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